Our inhabited island predator eradication gallery pages show some amazing places and tell a little about the incredible conservation work being undertaken to protect these special places and their special biodiversity. You can click on an island below to visit its gallery.
During 2018/19, we visited seven inhabited islands where introduced predator eradications have been successful, were in progress, or were being planned. To compare and contrast eradication projects, islands were chosen to include:
Large island eradications
Small island eradications
Kill trapping eradications
Live trapping eradications
Ground based poison eradications
Aerial poison eradications
Pre-eradication projects
Early stage eradication projects
Late stage eradication projects
Post eradication projects
We acknowledge and thank everyone we met on our travels who gave their time and expertise so we could better understand their frustrating challenges, disappointing setbacks and remarkable successes.
Inhabited Island Predator Eradication Projects
Click on an image to visit a project gallery and read more about each island.