For predator populations, 'r' is the driver of population growth and must be reduced if compensatory mortality is to be become additive and control is to be successful. Pest and predator control focuses on reducing the population size of a target pest or predator species. As a result it falls within the realm of population dynamics and to place this into context it is useful to consider some more of this interesting subject.
The size of any population is governed by the relative contributions of only four key factors. These are birth rate, also known as natality, death rate or mortality, immigration and emigration. Natality and immigration add individuals to the population whereas mortality and emigration remove them. Therefore to reduce a population, control must elevate mortality above natality and if possible also reduce or stop immigration. |
What's in a Name?The familiar saying "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" warns about the risks that come with trying to achieve more by challenging the status quo. Categories
January 2022